The Final project of the Regulation plan of the Southern Part of Sofia is Approved.

The Expert Council on Territorial Development in Sofia approved the final plan for building and regulation of the Vartopo north and south district. It is developed under art. 16 from the Spatial development act which means that equal parts of each property will be alienated for construction of social and technical infrastructure. Forthcoming changes of the plan are expected afterwards the project will be announced to all interested parties. “IDF Project” Ltd prepared the plan for the northern part of the district and “AMG” Ltd for the southern one. Both plans cover street networks and all construction characteristics. The territory included in the plan is situated in the south-eastern part of “Studentski” region in Sofia and it borders the city park of Vartopo and sports zone. It reaches the projected boulevard “Kliment Ohridski” on the west. At present Vartopo district is not built up. There are three functional zones in the plan. Low residential buildings, low buildings with special requirements and mixed zone are provided in the southern part of the plan. The northern part is with similar characteristics and it includes also zone for public buildings and grassing area. The building density is 30 %. Mostly buildings with height up to three floors will be constructed. A kindergarten and a primary school will be built in the southern part of the district.
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