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How to regulate a plot of land?

 The procedure to regulate a plot of land is determined in the Spatial Development Act. To regulate streets, neighborhoods, plots of land in order to build on them and for other purposes which do not involve building you need to have a Detailed Layout Plan.
 Based on art. 14 from the Spatial Development Act when regulating a plot of land, this determines its borderlines to the street, road or alley and the neighboring properties. The regulation of a plot of land determines also the following:
 1. The specific purpose of the land, the activities which can be performed in it and the type of construction allowed to be built;
 2. The method of construction - free, joined or complex;
 3. The character of the construction (depending on the height and the floors);
 4. The lines of construction (the building borderlines within which construction is allowed and the lines within which building is obligatory);
 5. The building parameters:
 a) the percentage of building on the plot
 b) the building density on the plot
 c) the intensity of construction on the plot
 d) the percentage of minimum free land (which is not constructed)
 e) the percentage of the minimum grassing area
 The mayor of the municipality where the plot is located issues an order for approval of the Detailed Layout Plan. Once the plot is regulated it is not subject to future regulation.

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Hello, I brought a piece of land in Sheremetya, 10 minutes away from VT, the estate agent says that it’s in the village boundaries, but I would need to get it regulated, how much do you charge to get it regulated please? As I’ve got told it all varies! From 3 leva to 6 leva a meter.
Частно лице е прекарало електропровод ниско напрежение(,без мое разрешение) и е поставило един стълб на два метра в моя имот.Електропровода вече е към енергото и те отказват да приместат стълба как да постъпя да махнат стълба защото там ще правя оранжерия.Благодаря предварително.
Частно лице е прокарало електро трасе което е поставило един стълб в моя имот без мое разрешение.(сега трасето е към електро снабдяване а те отказват да преместят стълба) как да постъпя да махнат стълба.Благодаря предварително.
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Does this regularisation have an expiry date if no works have been carried out on the land? In other words, if the plot has been regularised about 10 years ago, can I assume that the land is still regularised?
Здравейте,възнамерявам да закупя парцел 1378кв.м. който към момента се води пасище и земята е десета категория(стръмен каменист терен).Въпросът ми е колко ще струва този имот да се превърне в УПИ ? Местонахождение- Гр. Перник квартал Калкас граничещ с борова гора
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